Evening Prayer in Lent and COVID-19

Evening Prayer in Lent
Wednesdays at 7:30 pm

The tone of these midweek services are quite different from our Sunday morning services.

Evening prayer is carried along by an order of singing, silence and prayer. There is no communion. Over the weeks of Lent we will sing some of the evening hymns that are seldom heard in the course of the year.


Thank you to those of you who have sent health information, and shared insight into the unfolding Coronavirus story, with me. As the story develops, through uncertain days, I hope (as always) that the church will be a place of of comfort and strength for you and your family.

Words of peace and joy will be spoken at the services. When you attend, you will be supported in prayer and meditation. You will take part in rituals and listen to testimonies and histories in which courage, hope and faith are rooted deeply against the surface struggles and fears.

When you attend services and activities at Peace, make any accommodations that seem right to you and that make you feel comfortable.

For example, at the passing of the peace, refrain from shaking hands, if you wish. Give an elbow tap or make some other gesture of peace. Look your neighbor in the eye and speak a word of peace.

At communion, take the bread only, or come to the altar, kneel and pray, without receiving bread or wine. Cross your arms in front of you so that the server knows that you do not wish to receive the bread and/or the wine. Do not be anxious. Let the word and the presence of the sacrament nearby comfort your heart and bring peace into your life.
Christ is present to us in the bread alone or in the wine alone. Christ is present to us in the words of the scripture and in the gospel promises of forgiveness and eternal life. Christ is present for us whenever we gather as his people, in his name.

About Peace Lutheran Church Wayland Massachusetts

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